Item Coversheet
City of Independence
BILL NO. 24-0061R

Agenda Title:

24-006 1R An ordinance approving a Final Plat for Redwood Independence, in Independence, Missouri.

Commissioner Nesbitt made a motion to recommend approval of the final plat of Redwood Independence with the following conditions:

1.       Situs Addresses for the Lots and Tracts on the Final Plat shall be as follows:

Lot 1 19515 E. RD Mize Road

Lot 2 3410 S. Jackson Drive

Tract A 19601 E. RD Mize Road

Tract B 3460 S. Jackson Drive;

[The unit addresses will not be on the plat but will be on the Final Development Plan.  These addresses will be provided by City staff:

2.       Show the existing sidewalks in the E. RD Mize Road and S. Jackson Drive rights-of-way;

3.       The Final Plat must have a signature line for Vincent Brice, Jackson County Assessment;

4.       Include covenants to ensure the long-term maintenance of both portions of the two-lot development.  The Final Plat should have text indicating the two-lots, when sold, must be sold together;

5.       The Final Plat must provide 15-foot utility easements for both public water and public sewer utilities within the development;

6.       Tract A and B are within the federally designated flood plain area and within the City’s designated Stream Buffer Area.  These tracts will be used for Stormwater Detention; The Final Plat must fully delineate the stream buffer for the first order stream and must have an 85-foot wide buffer which lies within both Tracts A and B;

7.       The applicant will need to provide utility easements for water and sewer to serve the neighboring property to the east of the development;

8.       Provide State Plane Coordinates;

9.       Include 5-foot wide general utility easements along the rights-of-way and 7½-foot general utility easements along the east and west property lines.

A second to the motion was made by Commissioner L. Wiley. The City Planning Commission voted as follows:

Commissioner H. Wiley -Yes

Commissioner L. Wiley - Yes

Commissioner Ferguson – Absent

Commissioner McClain – Yes

Commissioner Nesbitt – Yes

Commissioner O’Neil – Yes

Commissioner Ashbaugh – Yes

The motion passed with a recommendation for approval to be forwarded to the City Council for consideration.  Staff concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission.

Executive Summary:

A request by Ali Karolczak for Final Plat approval of, “Redwood Independence,” located at 19515 & 19601 E. RD Mize Road.


The proposed Final Plat splits the existing properties into two lots and two common tracts.  Two lots are being created to represent the two phases of the project.  Building Permits will not be issued until the completion of the Final Development Plan (reviewed administratively) and completed engineering plans.


The proposed two lot and two tract plat is a 45.04-acre, three parcel property, located west of Jackson Drive and south of RD Mize Road.  It has fairly flat topography and some trees along the property’s perimeters.


The properties to the north and west are developed.  To the west and northwest are single-family residential neighborhoods.  Due north are existing industrial uses.  To the northeast are undeveloped industrial properties.  To the east a narrow undeveloped property, with some fence line trees, lies between the development site and Jackson Drive.  Southeast of Jackson Drive are undeveloped fields with some scrubby woodlands.

The topography to the west rises considerably with a significant bluff.  The new subdivision will be located in the relatively flat Little Blue Valley.


The proposed development will include a total of 182-units in a mix of single-story, four to six-unit buildings on two lots.  The proposal indicates 34-buildings, plus a dedicated leasing office/maintenance garage.  The floor plans will range in size from 1,294 to 1,620-square feet and each home will be designed with two-bedrooms, two-bathrooms, an attached two-car garage and a patio.  All buildings will be rental units owned and maintained by the developer.  Expected monthly rent will be $1,800 to $2,200 per month, not including utilities.


Consistency with Independence for All, Strategic Plan:

The application is within keeping with the Measures for Success for, “Improved housing conditions.”

Comprehensive Plan Guiding Land Use Principles for the Current Designation:

The City Comprehensive Plan recommends Residential Neighborhoods uses for this site. The Guiding Principles state the need to, “Protect and enhance the viability, livability and affordability of the City’s residential neighborhoods while integrating multi-family development throughout the community;”

Historic and Archeological Sites:

There are no apparent historic or archeological issues with this property.

Public Utilities:

Both water and sanitary services are available along the RD Mize Road right-of-way and in the general area.  Utilities to service the development will be installed along the private streets to serve each proposed building.  Water and sewer lines will be provided with one tap per unit for each utility.  The applicant will need to provide utility easements for water and sewer to serve the neighboring property to the east of the development.

Storm Water Detention:

The north 22-acres drains north into an existing creek that crosses through the northeast corner of the property.  The south 22.7-acres drains south into an existing creek that crosses through the southwest corner of the tract.  The development will drain to detention basins located in the northeastern and southwestern portions of the property.  The detention basins will provide flood control protection for a 100-year storm.

Steam Buffers and Flood Plain Area:

Stream Buffers, the 100-year flood plain and floodway are confined to the very southwestern and northeastern portions of the property.  Tract A and B are within the federally designated flood plain area and within the City’s designated Stream Buffer Area.  These tracts will be used for Stormwater Detention.  The Final Plat must fully delineate the stream buffer for the first order stream and must have an 85-foot wide buffer which lies within both Tracts A and B.

Right-of-Way to be Dedicated:

The streets to be built will not be dedicated public right-of-way.

Traffic Study:

Right-turn lane warrants at the intersections were analyzed and no right-turn lanes would be warranted at either end of the loop road.  Given there is a two-way left-turn lane down RD Mize Road, left-turn lanes will be provided for the property.  Acceptable traffic operations can be expected in and around the proposed development.  No improvements would be required.

CIP Investments:

The City does not have any capital improvements projects planned near this area.

Monument subdivision signage will be positioned at the northeast corner of the western end of the loop road and at the northwest corner of the eastern end of the loop road.

Draft Planning Commission minutes:


Planning Commission Minutes – December 12, 2023

Case 24-600-01 – Special Sign Permit – 4510 S. Noland Road

Case 24-320-01 – Final Plat – Redwood Independence


Commissioner Nesbitt made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.  Commissioner L. Wiley seconded the motion.  The motion passed with six affirmative votes."

Department:          Community DevelopmentContact Person:          Tom Scannell

Community Development DepartmentApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

Draft OrdinanceOrdinance
Staff ReportBackup Material
ApplicationBackup Material
Letter from ApplicantBackup Material
Final PlatBackup Material