Item Coversheet
City of Independence

Agenda Title:

Council action is requested to authorize the City Manager to approve change order #2 to the existing contract (PO 21000753) on the design contract with WSP USA for an amount not to exceed $88,145.10 authorizing future minor change orders not to exceed 10% of the new contact total as part of the Square Streetscape Project (No. 111902). 

Council approval is recommended.
Executive Summary:

Approval of this change order will add $88,145.10 to the existing contract (PO #21000753) with WSP USA for additional design services as part of the Square Streetscape Project (No. 111902). 

As City Staff have worked through the design issues for the Square Streetscape Project (No. 111902), a decision has been made to use raised curb instead of pavement markings to distinguish the bump-outs that will be installed at each of the intersections. This change in approach necessitates the completion of a more detailed drainage design to ensure the adjusted stormwater flows cause no negative impacts in the area.


Staff have negotiated a scope and fee of $88,145.10 for these additional services. A 10% contingency of the new contract total is requested for future minor change orders.


Original Contract: $294,374.39

Change Order #1: $24,768.92

Change Order #2: $88,145.10

New Contract Total: $407,288.41

Fiscal Impact:

The fiscal impact of change order #2 is $88,145.10 not including the 10% contingency for a total contract $407,288.41 for Funding for the Square Streetscape Project (No. 111902) is included in the FY 2023-24 adopted budget, page number 183, Streets Sales Tax Fund (011), account number 0117011-5406.

Department:          Municipal ServicesContact Person:          Lisa Reynolds

Public Works DepartmentApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

CO#2 - Exhibit A - Scope of Services - Square Streetscape (No 111902) Exhibit
CO#2 - Exhibit B - Scope of Services - Square Streetscape (No 111902)Exhibit