Item Coversheet
City of Independence

Agenda Title:

Council action is requested to issue a contract to AAA Disposal Service for Trash Pick-Up Service for all City Departments coordinated through the Facilities Division within the Parks|Recreation|Tourism Department.


Council approval to issue a contract and annual purchase orders.

Trash pick-up service at City-owned facilities has been contracted for several years.


The City issued Invitation to Bid (ITB) #23082 on September 12, 2023, with the bid closing on October 3, 2023. When that bid closed it was decided that the method of requesting pricing should be changed from a per container charge to a per month charge. This lines up with how trash haulers price customer accounts in the private sector.


ITB #23082-A was issued on October 23, 2023 with a closing date of November 8, 2023. The ITB was publicly available through the City’s e-bidding service provider, Public Purchase with 36 potential bidders being notified of the ITB, with 3 firms downloading the ITB. The City received bids from AAA Disposal Service (AAA), Ted’s Trash and Waste Management (aka Deffenbaugh). The bid submitted by AAA was the lowest bid. Ted’s Trash was higher than AAA, even factoring in the local preference policy. Waste Management was the highest bidder and their bid did not include barrel pickups in various sections of the City.


Staff recommends awarding the contract to AAA Disposal Service.


Approval of this item shall authorize change orders up to a total of ten (10) percent of the authorized amount for each order, provided appropriations are available

Fiscal Impact:

The fiscal impact to the City for the first year is $157,618.  For years two and three, any percentage increase must include documentation justifying an increase.

Funding for Trash Pick-Up Service is included in the fiscal year 2023-2024 approved budget for the following departments.  The total for FY24 is $54,534 and is for March 2024 through June 2024 services or 4/12th of the contract amount. 

General Fund-Facilities $11,646, page 170, account 0025015-5233. 

General Fund-Municipal Services $16,008, page 171, account 002511-5233-CLUP and 0025111-5233.

General Fund-Police-$300, page 223, account 0024535-5233.

Power & Light Fund-$4,000 Plant, page 243, account 0206140-5233-51110041

Tourism Fund-Historic Sites and Attractions $660, page 134, account 0046063-5233.

Parks & Recreation Property Tax Levy Fund- $460, Woodlawn Cemetery, page 116, account 0076074-5233.

Parks & Recreation Property Tax Levy Fund-$360, George Owens Nature Park, page 120, account 0076078-5233.

Parks Improvements Sales Tax Fund-$6,400, Park Maintenance Services, page 122, account 0126041-5233.

Parks Improvements Sales Tax Fund-$480, Truman Memorial Building, page 123, account 0126042-5233.

Parks Improvements Sales Tax Fund-$740, Sermon Center, page 129, account 0126042-5233.

Parks Improvements Sales Tax Fund-$740, Palmer Center, page 122, account 0126043-5233.

Parks Improvements Sales Tax Fund-$480, Uptown Market, page 128, account 0126047-5233.

Parks Improvements Sales Tax Fund-$2,600, Adventure Oasis, page 126, account 0126045-5233.

Power & Light Fund-$3,250 Plant, page 243, account 0206140-5233-93510022.

Power & Light Fund-$1,300 Plant, page 243, account 0206140-5233-51110041.

Power & Light Fund-$740, IUC page 251, account 0206122-5233-93510022.

Power & Light Fund-$1,750 Warehouse, page 243, account 0206140-5233-93510022.

Sewer Fund-$440, Plant, page 177, account 0305220-5233.

Sewer Fund-$440, Sewer Maintenance, page 178, account 0305230-5233.

Water Fund-$700, page 262, accounts 0404830-5233-420X and 0404830-5233-4430X.

Health Property Tax Levy Fund-$740, Animal Shelter, page 105, account 0054705-5226.

Police Sales Tax Fund-$300, Communication Center, page 231, account 0164563-5233.

Department:          Parks|Recreation|TourismContact Person:          Morris Heide

Parks | Recreation | Tourism DepartmentApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeRejected
Parks | Recreation | Tourism DepartmentApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

Trash Services Cover SheetCover memo
Trash Services Bid ResultsBackup Material