Item Coversheet
City of Independence

Agenda Title:

2021 State Legislative Policy

Staff recommends that the City Council provide direction regarding the proposed 2021 State Legislative policy.  The document will be presented for formal adoption at an upcoming regular Council meeting. 

Executive Summary:

Constituent Services & Legislative Affairs Officer John Mayfield will present the proposed 2021 State Legislative Policy

The 2021 City of Independence State Legislative Policy is a policy document that expresses the positions of the City for the 2021 Missouri General Assembly Session.  The policy outlines the top four issues of importance to Independence and for which the City intends to advocate for in 2021.  The four priorities for the 2021 session:

  1. Support for legislation to reinstate the authority of municipal courts to suspend in-state driver’s licenses for failure to appear to pay fines for traffic violations.

  2. Oppose any legislation that would reduce the Cable Franchise Fee.

  3. Support for Wayfair legislation to allow the City of Independence to collect voter approved Use Tax on sales from vendors who do not have a physical presence in Missouri.

  4. Oppose legislation that would limit local control of rights-of-ways and public assets related to the deployment of wireless facilities and small cell wireless attachments. 


The statements of policy are general and are intended to give staff and the city’s contracted lobbying teams basic direction to respond to bills and amendments that come up throughout the session.  Due to the volume of bills and pace of the process it is not practical to seek Council guidance on every bill and amendments that are put forth by the General Assembly. 

The Council is provided a weekly newsletter that updates the City on bills, and other activities of the General Assembly and state government by John Bardgett & Associates and Strategic Capitol Consulting.   Regular phone calls and other communication also occur during the legislative session to keep City leadership updated on a timely basis. 

Fiscal Impact:


Department:          City Manager's OfficeContact Person:          John Mayfield

City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

Proposed 2021 State Legislative PolicyBackup Material