Item Coversheet
City of Independence

Agenda Title:

City of Independence Electric Fund Balance Presentation

Staff recommends giving feedback to staff in order to prepare a policy for Council consideration of Resiliency and Cash Balance Policy for the City's Electric Utility Fund.
Executive Summary:

The City's Finance and Administration Department initiated a process earlier this year to select a Municipal Advisor for the City's three utilities. Through that process, PFM was selected. As a part of PFM's work plan, the Finance and Administration team directed PFM to evaluate potential cost savings measures relative to refunding of IPL's outstanding debt, which currently totals $152 million.  As a part of this evaluation, PFM conducted a Resiliency and Cash Balance study to ensure the utility maintained a strong financial position and was viewed favorably by bond rating agencies. The Resilience and Cash Balance study for IPL is attached. Current work is being done to complete a similar study for the other two utilities. 

On November 19, 2020 a motion was approved by the Public Utilities Advisory Board (PUAB) to support the PFM recommended Resiliency and Cash Balance Policy and move forward to City Council for approval. 

Fiscal Impact:

Presentation includes several options if Council determines the Electric Utility Fund has excess cash balances. Fiscal Impact depends on Council direction. Once direction is determined, staff will prepare further analysis.  

Department:          Finance and AdministrationContact Person:          Bryan Kidney

Finance DepartmentApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

IPL Cash Balance Study Ordinance