Item Coversheet
City of Independence

Agenda Title:

Council action is requested to authorize the City Manager to approve a construction contract with Tasco, LLC for an amount not to exceed $430,583.50, authorizing future minor change orders for an amount not to exceed $43,058.00 and/or time extensions, for the Mill Creek Trail Extension Project (No. 111817).

Approval of the request is recommended.
Executive Summary:

Approval is requested for a construction contract for the Mill Creek Trail Extension Project (No. 111817). The project will construct a multi-use trail extension and pedestrian bridge from Jones Road to a parking lot trailhead in Mill Creek Park. The contract would be with Tasco, LLC at a cost of $430,583.50.  The project is part of a Transportation Alternatives (TA) grant program through Mid-America Regional Council (MARC).

This action would approve a construction contract with Tasco, LLC for the Mill Creek Trail Extension Project (No. 111817) at a cost of $430,583.50.

There were 7 construction bids for the project:
Tasco, LLC               $430,583.50
Gunter Construction Co.     $434,031.90
Dondlinger & Sons Construction     $442,596.02
Pyramid Excavation & Construction     $470,102.00
Mega KC               $477,947.00
Primetime Contracting     $529,150.50
Blue Moon Hauling, LLC     $540,249.50

Engineer’s Estimate                            $351,465.00

Tasco, LLC has successfully completed other construction projects for the City and is being recommended for the contract. 

MoDOT reviewed the construction bids and is in agreement with the contract being awarded to Tasco, LLC. The low bid is recommended for approval of this contract


Fiscal Impact:

The fiscal impact to the City is $473,641.50.  Funding for the Mill Creek Trail Extension is included in the Fiscal year 2019-2020 adopted budget, page number 165, account number 7011-5406 (Public Works Department/Capital Projects/Street Sales Tax Fund).  Grant funding for the project under the Transportation Alternatives (TA) funds for $203,000 approved by Council in Ordinance #19121.  Mill Creek Trail Extension is part of the US 24 Highway agreement with the Missouri Department of Transportation. Remaining funding will be utilized from the Deferred Maintenance (24 Highway Improvement) as part of the December 2019 debt issuance.

Department:          Municipal ServicesContact Person:          Lisa Phelps

Public Works DepartmentApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

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