Item Coversheet
City of Independence
BILL NO. 21-0221R.

Agenda Title:

21-022 - 1R.  An ordinance approving a Preliminary Development Plan for the property at 3232 S. Noland Road in District C-2/PUD (General Commercial/Planned Unit Development) in Independence, Missouri.

Commissioner Preston made a motion to recommend approval of the application with the following conditions:

1.  The north elevation wall needs some variation in color and/or design to break up the wall expanse.


2.  While most required plantings have been provided, the plan needs to be updated to current standards and include the landscaped open space requirement of Section 14-503-04.

3.  Bicycle racks must be provided, see Code Section 14-501-08.

4.  The permissible uses for the property includes all C-2 and I-1 uses permitted by right plus any C-2 Special Uses granted by the City Council in accordance with City Code procedures.  Update this restriction noted on Sheet C1.1 of the plan set.

5.  Cargo Largo must negoiate and enter into a development agreement with the City pertaining to the construction of public streets and traffic facilities associated with the project.  Such agreement must be executed prior to the issuance of any construction permits for the building and site improvements.

6.  Independence Power & Light will need an easement for the transformer serving the building and the conduit installed on S. Weatherford Road and E. 33rd Street for streetlights and street light installation. Cargo Largo is to have their engineering firm contact IPL for a pre-building permit submittal to work out details.

7.  The proposed 35th St Court/Weatherford Road cross section should extend down to E 35th Street.  Traffic signal plans must also be submitted.

8.  Five-foot sidewalks must be provided along all street frontages.

9.  The access road to the north must be 26 feet wide or greater due to ladder tower placement and fire hydrants.

10.  The street improvements, as listed below in this report, are to be constructed in conjunction with the construction of the new building and site improvements.

A second to the motion was made by Commissioner Wiley.  The Independence Planning Commission voted as follows:


Commissioner Dreher



Commissioner McClain



Commissioner Michell



Commissioner Preston



Commissioner Wiley



Commissioner Ferguson



Commissioner Weir







The motion passed and such application is forwarded to the City Council for its consideration. Staff recommends approval of this application.

Executive Summary:

Dan Jensen, on behalf of Cargo Largo, seeks approval of a Preliminary Development Plan for a new Cargo Largo store at 3232 S. Noland Road.  The developer has indicated an interest in pursuing economic development incentives. If the developer seeks those incentives, any requests, along with the Development Agreement, would be forthcoming. 


Cargo Largo intends to build a 524,672 +/-SF facility on 30 acres north of the proposed 33rd Street.  The proposed facility will house a new retail store (75,000 SF+/-) as well as the corporate headquarters offices (10,000 SF+/-), a warehousing/distribution center (446,000 SF+/-) with a 60,000 SF+/- mezzanine level. This is a roughly 12% increase in floor area over the plan approved three years ago with all the additional square footage being comprised of warehousing/processing/shipping space. The completion of this facility is considered Phase 1 by Cargo Largo, Phase 2 is to redevelop its existing retail store into another business use.


Building Design and Materials: As typical with many buildings of this type, it will be constructed of tilt-up concrete walls.  Once a concrete panel is poured on the site in a horizontal position and cured, it is then ‘tilted up’ into a vertical position forming the walls of this roughly 40-foot-tall building.  The state-of-the-art facility has a 36-foot clearance for the warehouse and distribution area, with glass not only in the retail store but also around the perimeter to provide interior daylight.

Being visible from Noland Road and 33rd Street, the east and south elevations are the primary building facades and will feature light gray coloring with darker gray and blue accent panels. These two sides will also have wall section bump-outs adding a few feet to the wall height and project several feet from the structure to give these elevations more depth and height variation. 

Customer access points on the south elevation are covered by metal canopies.  The north elevation, which faces a mini-storage facility, will have only limited building features.  Facing Weatherford Road, the west elevation is the back-of-house with multiple dock doors along its length covered by a canopy.

Signage - Only a single ‘CARGO LARGO’ sign is shown on each of the south and east building elevations incorporating the company’s yellow, blue, and green colors.  Plans have not been finalized for any free-standing signage at this point.

Access and Street Design: Access to the site will be via either of two new streets constructed with the project.  Cargo Largo will be extending Weatherford Road south through the western portion of the property at a slight angle before connecting to the existing cul-de-sac of Lynn Court.  At the previously constructed crossing, 33rd Street will extend west across the railroad tracks and ‘T’ into Weatherford Road.

Cargo Largo’s engineering consultant completed an updated traffic study for the project in 2018.  City staff determined that the data and recommended improvements remain valid, the study is attached for your review.  The railroad crossing, constructed over 10 years ago, is designated as 33rd Street and will serve as the primary access to the site. Several traffic–related improvements are recommended by the study to accommodate the project:

Noland Road and 33rd Street

o   Install a fully actuated traffic signal that is coordinated with the other signals on the Noland Road corridor and provides railroad pre-emption control. Traffic signal infrastructure will include an east-bound pre-signal

o   Provide a north-bound left turn lane with 200 feet of storage length

o   Provide two outbound lanes in the eastern direction

35th Street and Weatherford Road (formerly Lynn Court)

o   Enlarge corner radius in the northeast corner to accommodate truck turning movements

o   Construct a westbound right-turn to extend roughly 250 feet, to tie into the second westbound lane that currently terminates at an existing driveway.

The study states that a dedicated right-turn on south-bound Noland Road onto 33rd Street is not warranted. With these improvements made, the study states that all movements within the study intersections are projected to operate at an acceptable level of service (LOS) during the peak hours.

Fire Access: The City Fire Department must have assurance that Cargo Largo will always keep all the access roads fully open with no trailers or vehicles encroaching upon the lane widths.  The department understands that there are no guarantees but with two of the three access roads having to cross railroad tracks, these roads cannot be blocked.  The Fire Department must have at least two remote entrances with this size of building.


Multi-use trail:  In conjunction with the construction of Weatherford, Cargo Largo will pave a multi-use trail on the west side of the street extending from the north end of Lynn Court (being re-named Weatherford Road) in front of the library to the south end of Weatherford where the street terminates just south of 31st Street.  From this trail, City Parks will provide a connection to the existing trail in the Conservation natural area south of the tennis courts in Santa Fe Park.


Landscaping: As required, the applicant has provided a preliminary landscape plan; final detailed drawings must be provided with the forthcoming Final Development Plan.  This preliminary plan shows landscape islands in the parking lot, trees along the adjoining three streets and staggered planting areas next to the east and south sides of the building. 

Utilities: All utilities are available in the general area.  Both water and sanitary sewer will have to be extended into the site from neighboring properties.  The Water Department will require the following information on final development plan: fire flow requirements, domestic/process water requirements; anticipated size and location of service connection; any requirement for additional hydrants.

Parking: Three parking areas are planned for employee and customer parking: on the east and south of the building and on the adjacent Tract B shown on the west side of Weatherford.  The amount of parking provided, 959 spaces, exceeds the City standard for the use/square footage configuration shown on this plan. Additional spaces may be required for any future building expansion.  Semi-truck parking, in conjunction with the store’s loading docks, is on the west side of the building, but may be expanded to the east side of the building in the future.

Historic Buildings/Archaeological Sites: The project site is considered by local historians to be archaeologically significant due to its affiliation with the Santa Fe Trail. As the documentation presented has not yet been corroborated, the information should be taken under advisement. Signage on site may be requested by the property owner highlighting the area's historic significance.


Consistency with Independence for All, Strategic Plan:  The redevelopment project will have a positive impact on this highly visible intersection along the Noland Road corridor.


Comprehensive Plan Guiding Land Use Principles:  On this northwest quadrant of the Noland Road/35th Street intersection, all of property is designated for ‘Business Park’ save for the existing Cargo Largo store, the Sonic restaurant, and the library.  This category includes manufacturing, transportation and wholesale activities, office and research facilities, and limited retail and services. Cargo Largo’s proposed operation for this proposed facility fits well within that category.  Also, a guiding principle in Imagine Independence 2040 plan calls to promote growth, innovation, investment, and opportunity; this development plan aligns with that guiding principle.


Recommendations and decisions on a proposed Preliminary Development Plan must be based on consideration of the criteria listed in Section 14-703-05-H:

The consistency with the Comprehensive Plan.When considering the assortment of activities to be conducted on the site, with an emphasis warehousing and distribution, the Comprehensive Plan’s ‘Business Park’ designation is appropriate here. 

The consistency with the PUD standards of Section 14-902, including the statement of purpose.This Cargo Largo project is consistent with the five criteria outlined in the ‘Purpose’ portion of Section 14-902.

The nature and extent of Common Open Space in the PUD. – Not required for commercial projects.

The reliability of the proposals for maintenance and conservation of Common Open Space. – Not applicable. 

The adequacy or inadequacy of the amount and function of Common Open Space in terms of the densities and dwelling types proposed in the plan. - Not applicable.

The extent to which the proposed use will adversely affect the capacity of safety portions of the street network or present parking problems in the vicinity of the property. Whether adequate provision for public services, provides adequate control over vehicular traffic, and furthers the amenities of light and air, recreation, and visual enjoyment.Cargo Largo will be making traffic related improvements to Noland Road and constructing 33rd Street and Weatherford.  More than adequate parking is being provided for its customers and employees.  Utility services in the area are adequate and will be extended to serve the project.

The extent to which the proposed use will have a substantially adverse effect on adjacent property and the development or conservation of the neighborhood area. – The project’s design, in conjunction with the constructed public improvements, should substantially alleviate adverse impacts on adjacent property.

Whether potential adverse impacts have been mitigated to the maximum practical extent.With the number and type of improvements Cargo Largo is providing, potential negative impacts are being mitigated to the greatest extent practical.

Whether the Preliminary Development Plan represents such a unique development proposal that it could not have accomplished through use of (non-PUD) conventional zoning regulations. The use of the PUD designation here allows the property to be used for a combination of office, retail, warehousing, and distribution purposes under a C-2/PUD designation which is not possible under a non-PUD designation.

The sufficiency of the terms and conditions proposed to protect the interest of the public and the residents of the PUD in the case of a plan that proposes development over a period of years. – As this portion of the project will be constructed in a single phase, this is not an issue.



Draft Planning Commission Meeting Minutes:

"Case #21-810-01 – Preliminary Development Plan – 3232 S. Noland Rd

Staff Presentation

Stuart Borders presented the case.  Mr. Borders presented the Commission with a vicinity map, noting the area and surrounding zoning.  He presented the Commission with an aerial map indicating the project area and explained the surrounding land uses.  Mr. Borders reviewed several conditions including adding color and design variation on the north elevation wall, updating the landscape plan, adding bicycle racks, adding a traffic signal plan for 35th St Ct and Weatherford Rd, adding five-foot sidewalks on street frontages and fire hydrant placement.  Mr. Borders stated Cargo Largo must negotiate and enter into a Development Agreement with the City pertaining to the construction of public streets and traffic facilitates associated with this project. 


In response to Commissioner Wiley’s question, Mr. Borders stated the 2019 Preliminary Development Plan had expired.  He noted the building is being expanded from previous plans.


Applicant Comments

Dan Jensen, 2600 Grand, Kansas City, stated he is the developer of the project.  He stated there will be an economic incentive package coming before the City and this project will be dependent on that passing with City Council approval.  He stated there will be knockout dock panels for the east side of the building to plan for future growth. 


*Commissioner Weir left the meeting. 


Dee Pack, 5414 E. Front Street, stated the entire business used to be in the current Cargo Largo building.  He stated they are currently spread out in six buildings and it will be a dream to consolidate into one building.  Mr. Pack stated they currently have 320 jobs in Kansas City and generating 10 million in taxable revenue.  He said when they fully occupy this building, all this benefit will move from Kansas City to Independence.


In response to Commissioner Ferguson’s question, Mitch Lambeth, an engineer with TranSystems, 12916 W. 78th Street, stated there is a detailed Traffic Impact Study that was provided from 2018.  He stated the train signals and 35th Street and Noland signals will be timed.  Mr. Lambeth stated there would be signage as well.


Commissioner Michell asked for confirmation that there would be no right turn lane into the development from southbound Noland Road.  Mr. Pack confirmed there would not be a dedicated right turn lane into the development.  Mr. Pack stated there is a possibility of adding a turn lane in a second phase of this project. 


In response to Commissioner Michell’s question, Mr. Pack stated the current Cargo Largo building will be repurposed for their own use. 


In response to Chairwoman McClain’s question, Mr. Pack stated the outside lighting will be LED and it will be as tall and bright as it can be without bothering the neighbors.  Mr. Pack stated this building will not be as tall as the Lipton building. 


            Public Comments

            No public comments.



Commissioner Preston made a motion to approve Case #21-810-01 – Preliminary Development Plan – 3232 S. Noland Road, with the conditions as presented by staff.  Commissioner Wiley seconded the motion.  The motion passed with six affirmative votes."

Department:          Community DevelopmentContact Person:          Tom Scannell

Community Development DepartmentApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

Draft OrdinanceOrdinance
Staff ReportBackup Material
Letter from ApplicantBackup Material
Notification AffidavitBackup Material
Notification InformationBackup Material
Traffic StudyBackup Material
Preliminary Development PlanBackup Material
Comp Plan MapBackup Material
Color ElevationBackup Material