Item Coversheet
City of Independence
BILL NO. 21-802Res.No:          6722

Agenda Title:

21-802 - A resolution directing the City Manager to develop and install signage as deemed necessary for the proper notification regularly scheduled City of Independence general cleanup of public spaces and developing provisions for the storage of certain items. Requested by Councilmembers Mike Huff and Mike Steinmeyer

Staff recommends approval of the resolution.
Executive Summary:

If approved, this resolution would direct the City Manager to develop and install signage to properly notify persons of regular, routine cleanups of public spaces and developing provisions for the storage of certain items. 

The City of Independence has experienced an increase in requests for service related to the removal of abandoned and unclaimed property in public spaces. Often, this property presents an adverse impact for the community, including blight, public health hazards, and issues associated with crime and disorder.


This resolution would provide for the installation of signage to properly notify individuals of the regular and routine City cleanups of public spaces. These cleanups would include the removal of unclaimed or abandoned property. The City would also explore the feasibility of making provisions for the safekeeping of items of obvious value, such as IDs, driver's licenses, passports, photographs, financial records and other similar documents. Under this proposal, the City Manager would be tasked with developing a program that would provide up to two 40 gallon containers to store belongings. Perishable, soiled, wet, infested, illegal items and items unsafe or dangerous to handle will not be stored. Tents that are not soiled or wet, and that are taken down and folded, are eligible for storage.

Department:          City Manager's OfficeContact Person:          Zach Walker

City Managers OfficeApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

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