Item Coversheet
City of Independence
BILL NO. 22-755Res.No:          6809

Agenda Title:

22-755 - A resolution approving a Preliminary Plat of Jackson Drive Industrial Park, Lots 1 – 8, and Tracts A & B, located on the northwest corner of Jackson Drive and R. D. Mize Road, in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri.

Commissioner Nesbitt made a motion to recommend approval of this preliminary plat with the conditions listed below:

1.      Add note on final plat that there will no direct vehicular access to Jackson Drive from Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8.  Sidewalks are required on all new street frontages.

2.      The building lines can be removed from all the lots. Instead of conveying Tract B to the adjoining landowner to the east, include that unplatted parcel into the subdivision to create a single lot.

3.      There are small stream buffer areas on the land, show on the final plat.

4.      The street name needs to be changed from ‘Little Blue Expressway’ to ‘Jackson Drive’.  Final street names and addresses will be assigned during the final plat process.

5.      Covenants and restrictions must be created for this development to own and maintain the detention basin.  Submit a draft copy with the first final plat submission.

6.      The detention basin on Tract A can be utilized, but its condition needs to be confirmed that it is in working order and meets the stormwater design requirements.

7.      Industrial lots will need follow water quality Best Management Practices (BMP’s).  These can be built during the development phase or building permit phase.

8.      A looped water main will be required for this development with no dead-end mains.

9.      Water mains will be required to maintain a minimum of 10-foot horizontal separation from all storm and sanitary mains and structures, so the water main alignment will need to be revised to reflect that requirement.


The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wiley. The Independence Planning Commission voted as follows:


Commissioner Nesbit – Yes

Commissioner Michell – Absent

Commissioner Wiley – Yes

Commissioner Young – Yes

Commissioner McClain – Yes

Commissioner Preston – Yes

Commissioner Ferguson – Yes


The motion passed and such application is forwarded to the City Council for its consideration. Staff recommends approval of this application.

Executive Summary:

Jeremy Hull, Hullmark Construction, seeks preliminary plat approval for the Jackson Drive Industrial Park, an industrial subdivision on the northwest corner of Jackson Drive and R. D. Mize Road.


This entire property was zoned industrial in 1980 when the airport east of the site was still in operation; the southern end of the property, (Lots 7 and 8) along R. D. Mize Road was subsequently rezoned to C-2 in January 1981.  Since then, Jackson Drive (Selsa Road) was constructed and provides access to currently four service/industrial businesses.  This ‘Jackson Drive Industrial Park’ will divide the 38.00 acres into eight lots with a detention Tract A with access from a new internal street (Lots 1 – 6) or from R. D. Mize Road (Lots 7 – 8).  Lot size ranges from 1.28 acres (Lot 8) to 9.73 acres (Lot 6). 


Storm Water:  Provided it’s in working order and has adequate capacity, the project will utilize an existing stormwater detention basin (Tract A) in the northwest corner of the site.  It was constructed in conjunction with the existing commercial businesses along Jackson Drive.

Street Improvements:  A new public street will extend west from an existing Jackson Drive approach on the north end of the site before turning south for about 900 feet, then proceeding due east and reconnecting to Jackson Drive.  The north Jackson Drive connection is a four-way intersection while the south drive is restricted to right in/right out access only.  The proposed right-of-way width is 60 feet containing a street pavement width of 32 feet.  Access to the two southern lots will be via an existing private driveway onto R. D. Mize Road.  No improvements are planned for either R. D. Mize Road or Jackson Drive.

Public Utilities and Sewers:   Water is available along Jackson Drive; the Water Department will require a looped water system internal to the project with additional fire hydrants added.  A sanitary sewer main abuts the east side of the site and will be extended to service the new lots.

Historic Buildings/Archaeological Sites: There are no apparent historic or archaeological concerns with this property.

Landscaping:  As each of the individual lots are built on, the landscaping will be required at that time, including the planting of street trees along Jackson Drive and R. D. Mize Road.  

Consistency with Independence for All, Strategic Plan:

The City Council’s Strategic Plan does list ‘Support development of an industrial/business park’ as an element of its Goal of increasing the economic prosperity of the community.

Comprehensive Plan Guiding Land Use Principles:

The Imagine Independence 2040 Comprehensive Plan designated this site for ‘Business Park’ development.

Recommendations and decisions on a proposed Preliminary Plat must be based on consideration of the criteria listed in Section 14-702-02-G:

1.         Compliance with environmental and health laws and regulations concerning water and air pollution, solid waste disposal, water supply facilities, community, or public sewage disposal, and, where applicable, individual systems for sewage disposal – This project will have to meet these regulations as each of the lots are built upon.  These requirements will be ensured through the review of the engineering plans and final plat. 

2.         Availability of water that meets applicable fire flow requirements and is sufficient for the reasonably foreseeable needs of the subdivisionAn adequate water supply is available to serve this development. 

3.         Availability and accessibility of utilities - All utilities are existing in the area and will be extended to serve this project.

4.         Availability and accessibility of public services such as schools, police and fire protection, transportation, recreation facilities, and parksThese are not issues with this project.

5.         Consistency with the zoning district regulationsAll of the proposed lots meet the zoning requirements for width, area, and design. 

6.          Conformity with the Major Thoroughfare Plan – The adjoining streets of R. D. Mize Road and Jackson Drive are both divided roadways in conformance with the City’s Thoroughfare Plan.

7.         Effect of the proposed subdivision on existing public streets and the need for new streets or highways to serve the subdivisionThe number of proposed lots should not have a negative effect on the existing perimeter streets. 

8.         Physical land characteristics, such as floodplain, slope, soil, and elevation differentials with abutting propertiesThe developer has taken these issues into consideration with this preliminary plat by designing around the floodplain and stream buffer areas on the site. 

9.         Recommendations and comments of the Development Review Committee and other reviewing agencies – The primary concerns of the Committee related to the configuration of the proposed internal street and the plat’s access point onto R. D. Mize Road.  The developer has addressed those concerns in the latest layout. 

10.      Conformity with the Master Sewer and Water Utility Plan - This project is in compliance with these plans.

11.      Compliance with this development ordinance and all other applicable regulations. – As with most plats of this type, there are minor issues that will be resolved as it proceeds through the final plat process and engineering plan review; they are listed as conditions on this report. 


Draft Planning Commission minutes from April 26, 2022:

“Case 22-310-01 – Preliminary Plat – Jackson Drive Industrial Park – 2808 S. Jackson Drive – Jeremy Hull, Hullmark Construction



Staff Presentation

Stuart Borders presented the case.  Mr. Borders presented the Commission with a vicinity map, noting the area and surrounding zoning.  He presented the Commission with an aerial map indicating the project area and explained the surrounding land uses.  Mr. Borders outlined the following conditions:

1.  Add note on final plat that there will no direct vehicular access to Jackson Drive from Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8.  Sidewalks are required on all new street frontages.

2.  The building lines can be removed from all the lots. Instead of conveying Tract B to the adjoining landowner to the east, include that unplatted parcel into the subdivision to create a single lot.

3.  There are small stream buffer areas on the land, show on the final plat.

4.  The street name needs to be changed from ‘Little Blue Expressway’ to ‘Jackson Drive’.  Final street names and addresses will be assigned during the final plat process.

5.  Covenants and restrictions must be created for this development to own and maintain the detention basin.  Submit a draft copy with the first final plat submission.

6.  The detention basin on Tract A can be utilized, but its condition needs to be confirmed that it is in working order and meets the stormwater design requirements.

7.  Industrial lots will need follow water quality Best Management Practices (BMP’s).  These can be built during the development phase or building permit phase.

8.  A looped water main will be required for this development with no dead-end mains.

9.  Water mains will be required to maintain a minimum of 10-foot horizontal separation from all storm and sanitary mains and structures, so the water main alignment will need to be revised to reflect that requirement.


Applicant Comments

Jeremy Hull, Hullmark Construction, 2940 S. Jackson Drive, stated he would like to develop this property for industrial uses.  He stated he will maintain ownership of the property. 


Brett Starr, Missouri RE, 3020 S. Jackson Drive, stated they want to draw business into the area.  He said they want to make this a desirable area and plan to include a lot of greenery and trees on the property.  Mr. Starr stated they hope to have a park and a place for food trucks. 


Commissioner Michell asked if there would be a lot of runoff and if the detention basin would be sufficient.  Mr. Hull stated they would build speculative buildings for the most part.  He said they received a letter from the City that stated the detention basin could handle the runoff from this project fully developed.  Mr. Hull stated a lot of green space will remain.  Mr. Borders noted as they submit building plans, City staff will confirm that the detention basin can handle new construction. 


In response to Commissioner Nesbitt’s question, Mr. Hull stated the public will be able to access the park and food truck area by using R D Mize Road.


Mr. Starr stated there is a need for light industrial use.  He said most of the tenants would be small businesses looking for space to hold their product before it sells.  Mr. Starr stated the development would allow small business to grow within their facility. 


In response to Commissioner Nesbitt’s question, Mr. Borders stated he’s not aware of any plans for the City to turn Jackson Drive into a Boulevard.  Mr. Borders noted Jackson Drive was constructed in the last ten years.  Commissioner Nesbitt asked if Jackson Drive could support heavy semi-tractor trailer traffic.  Mr. Starr stated this will not be a distribution center.  He said a semi may come in once a week to deliver goods, but it will mostly be smaller trucks moving the product as it is sold or installed.


In response to Commissioner Wiley’s question, Mr. Borders stated the property has been zoned Industrial for at least the past 22 years. 


Public Comments

Randall Pratt, 214 S. Spring Street, stated he would like to support this application with conditions.  He reviewed the surrounding area and said the area should be carefully planned.  Mr. Pratt said the City recently outlined what a Business Park should look like.  He stated he believes this project should adhere to Business Park standards. 


Shelly Lee, 2400 S. Glenview Avenue, stated she has concerns about the traffic on Jackson Drive.  Ms. Lee stated there are school bus stops in the area and she’s had discussions with the City about keeping trucks off Jackson Drive.  She said she would be in favor of this development if it was a smaller Business Park and not an Industrial Park. 


Bob Webb, 2333 S. Old Mill Avenue, stated he agrees with Ms. Lee’s comments.  He stated his greatest concern are the bus stops and children in the neighborhood, along with increased truck traffic.   


Commissioner Michell asked if there is any intention to connect Tract B with Lots 7 and 8.  Robert Walquist, Quist Engineering, 821 NE Columbus Street, Lee’s Summit, stated they initially planned to have a connecting street for those lots.  He said City staff was concerned about its proximity to Jackson Drive and they felt it was a valid concern, so it was removed from the plans. 


In response to Commissioner Michell’s question, Mr. Hull stated they would use premanufactured metal buildings.


Commissioner Comments

In response to Commissioner Wiley’s question, Assistant City Attorney Joe Lauber stated if the Commission would like staff and the applicant to consider rezoning this for a Business Park, he would suggest the case be continued to the next Planning Commission meeting.


In response to Commissioner Young’s question, Mr. Borders stated there will be an interior street connecting the lots and there will be access to Jackson Drive from the existing curb cut. 


Commissioner Young stated he would like to know what the area would look like if all the existing applications going through the City Council and Planning Commission are approved.


Commissioner Nesbitt stated he would like to know if the City plans to make Jackson Drive a Boulevard.


Commissioner Michell asked if a traffic study should be required for this application.  Mr. Borders stated the traffic engineer did not request a traffic study due to the limited access and there being an existing driveway.  



Commissioner Nesbitt made a motion to continue Case 22-310-01 – Preliminary Plat – Jackson Drive Industrial Park – 2808 S. Jackson Drive, to the May 24, 2022, Planning Commission meeting.  Commissioner Michell seconded the motion.  The motion passed with five affirmative votes.”


Draft Planning Commission minutes from May 24, 2022:

“Continued Case 22-310-01 – Preliminary Plat – Jackson Drive Industrial Park – 2808 S. Jackson Drive

Staff Presentation

Stuart Borders presented an update on the case.  Mr. Borders answered some of the questions raised at the previous Planning Commission meeting.  He stated the City does not have a boulevard classification and noted when Jackson Drive was constructed in 2008, it was built to the Major Arterial Street standards.  Mr. Borders stated this property has been zoned industrial since at least May 1980.  He noted any conditions placed upon the approval of the preliminary plat must be related to the dividing of the land into lots, public improvements, and utility services.  Mr. Borders reviewed design of site/building standards.  Mr. Borders stated there is limited information on the existing detention basin on the north end of the site, but it appears to have been constructed in conjunction with Jackson Drive about 12 years ago.  He noted a full stormwater study will be required with the engineering plans and an agreement for the maintenance and ownership of the basin will be reviewed and approved by the City and recorded with the final plat. 


Chairwoman McClain stated one resident requested to speak on this item and would be allowed to do so. 


Public Comments

Randy Williamson, 2700 S. Mohican, stated his house is less than 50 yards from the proposed Jackson Drive Industrial Park.  He said he has concerns about the stormwater detention basin on the property.  Mr. Williamson stated he does not believe there has been enough done to ensure the surface and ground water table levels will not be impacted.  He said since the current detention basin was built, several surrounding homeowners have had foundation issues.  Mr. Williamson stated he is not in favor of this case and requests more studies be done to ensure the detention basin is fixed properly.  Mr. Williams said the neighborhood also has street issues.  He stated the streets were built with 18 inches of concrete and then the City put 2 inches of asphalt on top of it.  Mr. Williamson said the street is now caving in. 


Commissioner Nesbitt stated the City needs to investigate the street and detention basin issues.   


Commissioner Young noted that reviewing issues with the detention basin or streets is not part of the Planning Commission’s purview. 


Assistant City Attorney Rich Wood noted the vote on this case is a ministerial decision.  Mr. Wood stated the Planning Commission should only consider if the plat complies with all requirements of the City Code for a plat.  Mr. Wood said part of that does include the utility infrastructure. 


Mr. Arroyo stated with this type of development, stormwater mitigation is a requirement.  He stated by approving the preliminary plat, it allows the engineers to start their work at studying the site to determine the best place for the detention basin. 


Mr. Wood noted this is a preliminary plat and once this is approved, the next level of analysis is started.  He stated after the engineering reports are complete, the Final Plat will come forward for approval.    


Mr. Williamson said there are legal actions they can take as a group because of the issues they are having. 


Mr. Wood stated this application will go to the City Council for approval. 



Commissioner Nesbitt made a motion to approve Case 22-310-01 – Preliminary Plat – Jackson Drive Industrial Park – 2808 S. Jackson Drive, with conditions as outlined by staff.  Commissioner Wiley seconded the motion.  The motion passed with six affirmative votes.”

Department:          Community DevelopmentContact Person:          Tom Scannell

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