Item Coversheet
City of Independence
BILL NO. 23-0541R.

Agenda Title:

23-054 - 1R.  An ordinance lowering the monthly automobile allowance for each elected Councilmember, including Mayor, from $500.00 to $200.00 by amending Ordinance 18574, and repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith.-Requested by Mayor and City Council

Executive Summary:

On April 18th, 2016, the Independence City Council voted to increase the monthly automobile allowance to $500 per month per Councilmember, including the Mayor. If approved, this ordinance would reduce the monthly automobile allowance to $200 per month per Councilmember, including the Mayor.
Previous Activity:

On April 18th, 2016, the Independence City Council approved ordinance 18574, increasing the monthly automobile allowance to $500 per month per Councilmember, including the Mayor.

On April 18th, 2016, the Independence City Council approved ordinance 18574, increasing the monthly automobile allowance to $500 per month per Councilmember, including the Mayor. Members of the current City Council requested staff prepare an ordinance for consideration by the full Council that, if approved, would reduce the monthly automobile allowance from $500 to $200. Furthermore, this ordinance would make clear that each Councilmember, including Mayor, may decline to accept the monthly automobile allowance. Finally, this ordinance would repeal all ordinances in conflict herewith.

Fiscal Impact:

The $500 monthly automobile allowance for all elected Councilmembers, including Mayor, has an annual fiscal impact of $42,000. Reducing the monthly automobile allowance to $200 would have an annual fiscal impact of $16,800, or an annual savings of $25,200 to the General Fund.


Presently, one member of the City Council has opted out of the monthly automobile allowance. The current $500 allowance therefore represents an annual cost of $36,000, which has been budgeted in the General Fund in the Submitted Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24. If the monthly allowance is reduced to $200, the annual fiscal impact would be $14,400, or an annual savings of $21,600 in the General Fund.

Department:          Contact Person:         

City Managers OfficeApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         
