Item Coversheet
City of Independence
BILL NO. 23-0561R.

Agenda Title:

23-056 - 1R.  An ordinance authorizing acceptance of the 2023 Midwest High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Kansas City / Overland Park DEA Task Force Initiative, and related documents, with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, for a grant award in the amount of $153,166.00; making the necessary appropriations; authorizing future change orders for additional funding and/or time extensions; and authorizing certain future appropriations.

The Police Department recommends approval and acceptance of this MOU and grant funding.

The Police Department first received funding to participate in the Midwest HIDTA Kansas City / Overland Park DEA Task Force in 1999 through a grant from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).  Since that time, the department has had two detectives assigned to this Task Force full-time, to combat the manufacture and importation of methamphetamine and disrupt poly-drug trafficking organizations in the metropolitan area.  In return, the department is reimbursed for part of the detectives' salaries and benefits, as well as expenses for overtime, vehicle leases, and fuel.  The current contract will continue the department's involvement in the HIDTA DEA Task Force, with total reimbursement up to $153,166.  Additional funding has been included in the Police Department's 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 fiscal year Operating Budgets to cover the amount of salaries and benefits not covered by this grant.

Fiscal Impact:

The fiscal impact to the City is $153,166.00.  The Police Department will request reimbursement from the Kansas Bureau of Investigation for actual expenses on a monthly basis.  This revenue will need to be deposited in the 015 Grant Fund, subledger HIDTA, and appropriated as follows:


4550-5100 Salaries $  74,050

4550-5102 Overtime     34,218

4550-5109 Benefits     20,898

4550-5236 Leases     15,000

4550-5316 Fuel       9,000

  Total Amount $153,166


No local match is required, however, grant funding only partially covers the salary and benefits of the two detectives assigned to this Task Force.  Supplemental funding is budgeted each year in the Police Department's General Fund (02) Investigations (4534) cost center to cover the balance of these two positions.  For FY 2022-23, this is included on page 211 of the Adopted Budget.

Department:          Contact Person:         

Police DepartmentApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

2023 HIDTA DEATF OrdinanceOrdinance
2023 HIDTA DEATF AgreementContract