Item Coversheet
City of Independence

Agenda Title:

Council action is requested to issue a purchase order to Moran Welding in the amount of $213,997.00, for an underground cable puller for the Power and Light Department.


Council approval to issue a purchase order.


Power and Light Transmission/Distribution department is requesting the purchase of an underground cable puller to replace and existing underground cable puller. Existing puller is a 2001 model with a 10-year replacement schedule. Existing puller is not capable for upcoming projects that require very large underground cable pulling tensions.

The Procurement Office of the Finance and Administration Department issued Invitation to Bid (“ITB”) #23054 on May 24, 2023. The ITB was publicly available through the City’s e-bidding service provider, Public Purchase. Three Hundred-Ten (310) potential bidders were notified of the ITB, (17) accessed the ITB. The City received four (4) bids and Moran Welding aka Brooks Brothers Trailers provided the lowest responsible and responsive bid.

Approval of this item authorizes the Finance Director to issue change orders up to a total of ten (10) percent of the original authorized amount, so long as appropriations are available.

Fiscal Impact:

The fiscal impact to the City is $213,997.00. Funding for the Underground Cable Puller is included in the fiscal year 2022-23 adopted budget, page 238, equipment, account number (6150.5405) for Transmission and Distribution in Fund 020 IPL.

Department:          Power & LightContact Person:          James Nail

Purchasing Division (Finance Department)Approved
Power and Light DepartmentApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

Official Bid Tab - ITB #23054 - Underground Cable PullerExhibit