Item Coversheet
City of Independence

Agenda Title:

Council action is recommended to issue a purchase order to Mongan Painting LLC in the amount of $687,560.00 for the Courtney Bend Water Treatment Plant Protective Coating Systems Replacement Project for the Water Department.

Council approval to issue a purchase order is recommended to replace the protective coating systems on Contact Basin No. 4, Splitter Basin No. 2 and the exterior of the lime silo and Settling Basin No. 4 in the amount of $687,560.00.

Contact Basin No. 4 and Splitter Basin No. 2 were last painted in 2009 and the lime silo has not been re-coated since it was constructed in 2005.  The protective coating systems on these basins are showing signs of failure and are needing to be replaced.  This project will remove and replace the existing coatings to help protect the steel and extend the life of these basins.  


The Procurement Office of the Finance and Administration Department issued Invitation to Bid (“ITB”) #23053 on May 19, 2023. The ITB was publicly available through the City’s e-bidding service provider, Public Purchase. Eighty-six (86) potential bidders were notified of the ITB, five (5) accessed the ITB.

The City received bids from Genesis Environmental Systems, Thomas Industrial Coatings and Mongan Painting LLC. Staff determined the bid submitted by Mongan Painting LLC was the lowest and best bid received.  

Approval of this item shall authorize change orders up to a total of ten (10) percent of the authorized amount for each order, provided appropriations are available.

Fiscal Impact:

The fiscal impact to the City is $687,560.00.  Funding for the Courtney Bend Treatment Basins Coating System Replacement Project is included in the fiscal year 2022-23 Adopted Budget, page 251, account number (4830-5212, Water Fund). 

Department:          WaterContact Person:          Daniel D. Montgomery

Water DepartmentApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

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