Item Coversheet
City of Independence

Agenda Title:

Council action is requested to issue purchase orders up to $129,600.00 with Gulf States Distributors for ammunition for the Police Department.

Council approval to issue purchase orders.

The Police Department is requesting approval to purchase ammunition in excess of $50,000 for Commissioned Officer annual firearms training / qualifications, Police Academy Recruit weapons training, as well as the annual ammunition required for the SWAT and Sniper Units. 

Due to nationwide ammunition shortages, the Police Department has only been able to provide ammunition for recruit weapons training in the Police Academy and for the required annual firearms qualifications for the handgun, rifle and shotgun for officers.  No additional monthly training has been able to be conducted as it had been pre-Covid.  This year’s budget has been increased to fulfill all officer mandatory qualifications, resume monthly firearms training for each officer and cover Police Academy training for recruits.  There has been a significant delay in receiving ammunition orders, so it is important that the department place the annual orders early in the fiscal year.  All ammunition orders are currently backordered for eight to twelve months.  

The ammunition will be purchased from Gulf States Distributors off of the MARC/KCRPC contract # 106.

Per section 8.06.004, Paragraph 4 of the City Code states competitive bidding is not required when purchases are made through a cooperative contract established by a government purchasing entity or cooperative. The cooperative bids used will have been established pursuant to RSMo. 70.220 or generally accepted governmental purchasing practices through the competitive bidding process.

Approval of this item shall authorize change orders up to a total of ten (10) percent of the authorized amount, provided appropriations are available. 

Fiscal Impact:

The fiscal impact to the City totals $129,600.00. Funding for ammunition is included in the fiscal year 2023-24 proposed/adopted budget, page 208, account number (4513-5309, General Fund Training Unit), page 212, account number (4535-5309, General Fund Tactical Operations), and page 220, account number (4564-5309, Public Safety Sales Tax).

Department:          PoliceContact Person:          Chief Adam Dustman

Purchasing Division (Finance Department)Approved
Police DepartmentApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action: