Item Coversheet
City of Independence
BILL NO. 23-778Res.No:          6958

Agenda Title:

23-778 A resolution approving a preliminary plat of Tybrook Estates in Independence, Missouri.

Commissioner Nesbitt made a motion to recommend approval of this preliminary plat with the conditions listed below:

1.  All development engineering must be designed in accordance with City of Independence standards and specifications prior to approval of the final plat.

A second to the motion was made by Commissioner H. Wiley. The City Planning Commission voted as follows:

Commissioner H. Wiley



Commissioner Preston



Commissioner Ferguson



Commissioner L. Wiley



Commissioner McClain





Commissioner Nesbitt



The motion passed with a recommendation for approval to be forwarded to the City Council for consideration.  Staff concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission.

Executive Summary:

Jim Pollard seeks to subdivide Tybrook Estates located on Powell Road north of Truman Road.  

Tybrook Estates is located immediately north of the Independence School District bus facility on Powell Road. The first phase is being built at the south end of the development. The phase consists of 9 single-family homes and 15 PUD duplex sites. The 9 single-family homes sit along the north side of 8th Street. The 15 duplexes cluster around short cul-de-sacs intersecting with the south side of 8th Page 2 Street. The remaining phases of the development have not yet begun or been platted. A slight reworking of the planned street grid requires that a new Preliminary Plat be approved. This application for the Revised Preliminary Plat of Tybrook Estates is a revision to the Preliminary Plat approved at the April 24, 2018 Planning Commission Meeting.

This minor revision will not alter the number of single-family lots but reshape them for a rerouted street grid. With the revision, Tybrook Avenue would have a “T” intersection with 7th Street that would lead to Powell Road, rather than Tybrook Avenue having a “T” intersection with 6th Terrace and it leading to Powell Road.

The existing Preliminary Plat envisioned an east entrance and intersection off 6th Street and Powell Road, however the areas road topography would make visibility at the proposed intersection problematic. The revised Preliminary Plat would have 7th Street square with Powell Road. The new alignment would improve visibility for drivers according to the analysis provided by Hg Consult, Inc. The applicant is requesting that the City lower the speed limit along S. Powell Road to 30 miles per hour as suggested by the analysis. The City’s traffic division will need to conduct a speed study prior to any speed adjustments. This would be safer for pedestrians and cyclists and gives consideration to increased residential development and bus facility traffic.

The entire 97-lot development (duplexes and single-family homes) will still include a number of common tracts as well. Two Home Associations will be responsible for their respective tracts. Tracts A through G are in the PUD portion of the development, the remaining tracts will be in the single-family neighborhood. Tracts G, H, and J, along the Powell Road right-of-way will be for landscaping and entry signs. Tracts C, D, E and F are islands in cul-de-sacs of the PUD portion. Tract L and M is open space in the single-family residential section. Tracts A, B, and K are drainage basin areas and buffers.

Details concerning landscaping, screening and building aesthetics are specifically dealt with in previously submitted CC&R’s.

The preliminary plat is not reviewed for final engineering design compliance. All development engineering must be designed in accordance with City of Independence standards and specifications prior to approval of the final plat.


Public Improvements and Access:

The two streets at the east end of the development, 7th Terrace and 8th Street, will provide direct access to Powell Road. Half-street improvements, including sidewalk are needed for the development along a minor arterial.

Stream Buffer Ordinance:

On the old Preliminary Plat, the applicant identified the portion of the development within Tract K as being in the Stream Buffer Ordinance area of a 1st Order Stream. This must be shown on the Revised Preliminary Plat as well.

Storm Water:

On site detention, for both the single-family residential and duplex portions of the development, will be located on Tracts A, B and K.

Property Addresses:

Property addresses will be finalized on the Final Plats.


All utilities are available adjacent to the property.

Sanitary Sewer:

Sewer mains are available near the property.

Landscaping and Buffering:

According to Section 14-503-13 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), all subdivided land, included in all residential districts, that abuts a minor arterial, or arterial street, either at right angles or parallel to the collector, minor arterial, must provide a 15-foot buffer area from the edge of the right-of-way line towards the interior of the property to be screened by either a six foot fence or wall with a low impact landscape screen located between the wall/fence and the street right-of-way line, or a berm at least three feet in height with a medium impact landscape

Recommendations and decisions on preliminary plats must be based on consideration of all the following criteria:

1.      Compliance with environmental and health laws and regulations concerning water and air pollution, solid waste disposal, water supply facilities, community or public sewer disposal, and, where applicable, individual systems of sewage disposal.

This existing development is in compliance with all of these issues. 

2.      Availability of water that meets applicable fire flow requirements and is sufficient for the reasonably foreseeable needs of the subdivision.

Existing water mains extend to the site providing sufficient flow for fire fighting needs. 

3.      Availability and accessibility of utilities.

All utilities are in place near this site.

4.      Availability and accessibility of public services such as schools, police and fire protection, transportation, recreation facilities and parks.

Not applicable as this is an existing development.

5.      Consistency with the zoning district regulations.

The preliminary plat has met the zoning R-6 zoning requirements.  Any new development of construction will need to meet the UDO development standards and applicable building/fire code requirements.

6.      Conformity with the Major Thoroughfare Plan.

Half-street improvements for the arterial will be provided.

7.      Effect of the proposed subdivision on existing public streets and the need for new streets or highways to serve the subdivision.

Again, half-street improvements for the arterial will be provided.

8.      Physical land characteristics, such as floodplain, slope, soil, and elevation differentials with abutting properties.

All land characteristic improvements are existing and in place on the site.

9.      Recommendations and comments of the Development Review Committee and/or other reviewing agencies.

None that have not not already been discussed above.

10.  Conformity with the Master Sewer and Water Utility Plan.

Yes this is true.

11.  Compliance with the development ordinance and all other applicable regulations. 

Provided that the conditions listed above will be addressed, it appears this preliminary plat can meet City Code requirements.



Draft Planning Commission minutes:

"Case 23-310-02 – Preliminary Plat – Tybrook Estates


Commissioner Nesbitt made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.  Commissioner H. Wiley seconded the motion.  The motion passed with five affirmative votes."

Department:          Community DevelopmentContact Person:          Tom Scannell

Community Development DepartmentApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

Draft ResolutionResolution
Staff ReportBackup Material
Application PacketBackup Material
Letter from ApplicantBackup Material
Revised Preliminary PlatBackup Material
Original Preliminary PlatBackup Material
Traffic MemoBackup Material
Zoning MapBackup Material