Item Coversheet
City of Independence

Agenda Title:

Council action is requested to expend $50,882 for the Employee Well-Being- Contract for Personal Assistance Services (PAS) through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Staff recommends approval
Executive Summary:

Our organization offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) known as Personal Assistance Services (PAS) to provide comprehensive, confidential support to our employees and their eligible dependents. PAS encompasses a wide array of services delivered by licensed and certified professionals in areas such as dietetics, health education, child and elder care management, legal matters, financial planning, career counseling, and more.


This program is designed to assist individuals in addressing diverse life challenges, including lifestyle and wellness, legal concerns, career and work-related matters, financial planning, family care, and counseling. PAS ensures the confidentiality of all services, with no access to EAP records by the employer unless explicit written consent is given or as required by law.


EAP services are pre-paid by the organization, making them typically free for employees and their eligible dependents. When a referral to a specialist or long-term care provider is suggested, the costs may be covered under the individual's medical plan.


In summary, PAS services offered through our EAP aim to empower our employees to overcome life challenges, enhance overall well-being, and achieve a harmonious work-life balance. We encourage all employees to utilize this valuable resource. The launch date for this program is January 1st, 2024. 



The City of Independence engaged with PAS (Personal Assistance Services), an employee assistance plan (EAP) provider, and presented their core beliefs centered around improving people's lives and well-being through compassion and connection.

PAS offers life event support services as an employee perk and serves as a human capital business strategy to enhance performance and reduce claims to the medical plan. They seek to address the specific EAP needs of the City, including integration with police psychologists and department chaplains, regulated well-being check-ins, peer support training, and fitness for duty coordination.


PAS offers various access and care arrangement options, digital well-being platforms, and an array of services for participants. Their counseling services include a flexible session-limited model with the potential for averted claims to the medical plan. They provide training services, organizational services, and specialty services related to performance improvement, safety, and mandatory referrals. PAS offers personalized digital platforms, a Member Portal, and a Digital Care Navigator to guide participants to suitable resources and services. They also highlight dedicated well-being check-ins for City of Independence employees, providing predictive support, resilience activation, and proactive engagement.


PAS ensures personal engagement with every client, achieving a 361% ROI and a 30% improvement in mental health, as evidenced by the Optum SF-12 Health Survey. PAS focus on real satisfaction and outcome measures, offering a comprehensive EAP solution for the City of Independence's needs.

Fiscal Impact:

Annual cost is $50,882 and funded out of the Internal Service Fund (095) Human Relations Department in the 2023-24 Adopted Budget page 154 in Professional Services.

Department:          Human ResourcesContact Person:          Jaime Rehmsmeyer

Human Resources DepartmentApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

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