Item Coversheet
City of Independence

Agenda Title:

Council action is requested to approve a one-year agreement with SunLife for Stop-Loss Insurance with 3.4% rate increase.

Staff recommends approval. 
Executive Summary:

Action is recommended to renew the City's stop loss coverage for the Stay Well Health Care program for 2024. 

As the City of Independence self-funds its health insurance, we utilize Stop-Loss Insurance to ensure the financial stability of the Stay Well Plan. The Stay Well Fund covers the initial $275,000 of any medical or prescription claim, with the excess reimbursed by the Stop-Loss Carrier.

In light of the significant high-cost claims faced by the Stay Well Plan, Stop-Loss insurance has been indispensable. As of September 30, 2023, we've encountered 5 claims exceeding $275,000, totaling $2,062,188. Our current Stop-Loss policy has already reimbursed $687,188 of this amount.

Typically, Stop-Loss insurance renews on an annual basis. Following a competitive RFP process, the Stay Well Committee recommends retaining the current provider for 2024. SunLife has quoted a 3.4% increase for 2024, equivalent to $59,620 over our 2023 rate, resulting in a 2024 rate of $1,798,277.

Fiscal Impact:

The 2024 rate would be $1,798,277 and is funded in the 2023-24 Approved Budget in the Staywell Fund (091) page 271 Other Operating Expenses.

Department:          Human ResourcesContact Person:          Jaime Rehmsmeyer

Human Resources DepartmentApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

SunLife Renewal Backup Material
Stay Well Recommendation LetterBackup Material