Item Coversheet
City of Independence
Postponed Indefinitely

Agenda Title:

Council action is requested to issue change order #2 for the Tourism & Museum Master Plan for Museum Interpretive Planning Services (This item addresses item 4.1.B in the 2023-2024 Independence Action Plan).


The Parks, Recreation & Tourism Department recommends approval of the Change Order.

Executive Summary:

Council action is requested to approve Change Order #2 to Purchase Order #23000680 to Peckham, Guyton, Albers & Viets, Inc. (PGAV) for the creation of an interpretive plan for developing exhibits and programs at the National Frontier Trails Museum as recommended in the Tourism and Museum Master Plan.  New amount of the PO will be $642,280 with City Manager authorized changes of up to 10%.  


The City Council approved a purchase order to Peckham, Guyton, Albers & Viets, Inc. (PGAV) on November 9, 2022 for Tourism and Museum Master Planning Services. The Master Plan project began in December 2022 and is near completion.  The Master Plan identifies several locations for a new museum and cultural center.  The Plan also identifies a preliminary list of interpretive topics and experiences that should be included in the new facility.  Planning and evaluating exhibits and galleries and development of a brand strategy is not site-specific and can be accomplished while a permanent location for the museum is being considered. 

Fiscal Impact:

The fiscal impact to the City totals $353,400. Funding for this change order will come from the 004 Transient Guest Tax fund balance, page 64 of adopted budget (fiscal year 2023/24) in 6062.5226. 


The original contract amount for Tourism and Master Planning Services was $248,880.  Council has approved Change Order #1 of $10,000 for reimbursables and Change Order #3 of $30,000 for on-call services with Copaken Brooks to pursue development opportunities in the City.

Department:          Parks|Recreation|TourismContact Person:          Morris Heide

Parks | Recreation | Tourism DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

PGAV ProposalBackup Material