Item Coversheet
City of Independence

Agenda Title:

Council action is requested to issue a purchase order for $146,766.75 with Turn-Key Mobile for Panasonic MDTs for the Police Department.

Council approval to issue a purchase order.

The Police Department’s current MDT deployment largely consists of fixed-installation Data 911 devices that are nearing end-of-life and in need of replacement or service. Their recent experiences with customer service and repairs have eroded their confidence in this company’s ability to continue to service their fleet. Upon examining alternative solutions to Data 911, they found limited options. Consumer-grade manufacturers do not produce devices ruggedized to an appropriate degree. Their trial of another manufacturer’s ruggedized tablets proved unsatisfactory. The footprint of Panasonic as a provider to Public Safety is long-established and personnel exposed to the demo units were very pleased with performance. Service and Support has been excellent, and the repair facility is local (Leawood). They will image and asset tag every device and offer a 5-year warranty with very favorable replacement conditions. Moving from a permanent installation like the Data 911 to a dock allows us more flexibility with respect to deployment and the potential for reducing our total number of devices (mobile and desktop) while maintaining the security necessary for Police Operations. Two vendors in the region service Panasonic contracts. The Police Department selected Turnkey Mobile due to the lower pricing on all the items needed for their deployment.

This purchase represents an expansion of currently deployed Panasonic devices that will be installed in new vehicles during upfitting to include the recent purchase of Dodge Durangos that came available suddenly and unexpectedly. Moving forward, the department will establish a replacement plan that provides for equipment refresh of roughly 25-30% of MDT’s each year. This will help with predictive budgeting, ensure the equipment is under warranty, and barring unforeseen circumstances, allow for a year without MDT purchases. 

This is being purchased off of Jasper County Sheriff’s Office Contract # JCSO 2021-003.    

Per section 8.06.004, Paragraph 4 of the City Code states competitive bidding is not required when purchases are made through a cooperative contract established by a government purchasing entity or cooperative. The cooperative bids used will have been established pursuant to RSMo. 70.220 or generally accepted governmental purchasing practices through the competitive bidding process.

Approval of this item shall authorize change orders up to a total of ten (10) percent of the authorized amount, provided appropriations are available. 

Fiscal Impact:

The fiscal impact to the City is $146,766.75 for fiscal year 2023-24.  MDT’s are in the 2023-24 approved budget, on page 231, Sales Tax Budget, account number 4564-5402 Equipment.

Department:          PoliceContact Person:          Chief Adam Dustman

Purchasing Division (Finance Department)Approved
Police DepartmentApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

Quote - Turn-Key MobileBackup Material