Item Coversheet
City of Independence
BILL NO. 23-798Res.No:          6974

Agenda Title:

23-798 A resolution approving a preliminary plat of Summit Living in Independence, Missouri.

Commissioner Nesbitt made a motion to recommend approval of this preliminary plat with the conditions listed below:

1.  All development engineering must be designed in accordance with City of Independence standards and specifications prior to approval of the final plat.


A second to the motion was made by Commissioner H. Wiley. The City Planning Commission voted as follows:

Commissioner H. Wiley – No

Commissioner Ferguson – Yes

Commissioner McClain – Yes

Commissioner L. Wiley – No

Commissioner Nesbitt – No


The motion did not pass for approval. The preliminary plat is forwarded to the City Council for consideration.  Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat.

Executive Summary:

Joseph O’Laughlin seeks to subdivide the property located at 2610 and 2612 S. Lee’s Summit Road in Independence, MO 64055.


The proposed plat, Summit Living, is a four-phase project that will consist of five lots and two common tracts. Additionally, the plat proposes a public street to connect Lee’s Summit Road to Woodbury Street, which terminates in a dead-end along the northern boundary of the site. Tract A, located adjacent to lots 1 and 2, will contain a regional stormwater detention basin. Tract B is a “triangle-shaped” piece of land that abuts the school property to west, the proposed Lot 3 to the south, and the proposed street to the northeast. The two existing properties that comprise the area within the plat have a total acreage of 13.45 acres.

Phase 1 of the potential development will consist of Lot 1 and Tract A. Phase 2 will be just Lot 2, while phase 3 will consist of Lot 3 and Tract B. The remaining lots, Lots 4 and 5, will be part of Phase 4.

The preliminary plat is not reviewed for final engineering design compliance. All development engineering must be designed in accordance with City of Independence standards and specifications prior to approval of the final plat.


Public Improvements and Access:

The proposed street will connect Lee’s Summit Road to Woodbury Street, which currently terminates as a dead-end near the northwestern corner of the site.

Stream Buffer Ordinance:

No stream buffer areas are located within the boundaries of the plat.

Storm Water:

The applicant has provided a Stormwater Drainage Plan. On site detention will be located on Tract A and along the northern portion of the site in lots 4 and 5.

Property Addresses:

Property addresses will be finalized on the Final Plats.


All utilities are available adjacent to the property.

Sanitary Sewer:

Sewer mains are available near the property.

Landscaping and Buffering:

According to Section 14-503-13 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), all subdivided land, included in all residential districts, that abuts a minor arterial, or arterial street, either at right angles or parallel to the collector, minor arterial, must provide a 15-foot buffer area from the edge of the right-of-way line towards the interior of the property to be screened by either a six foot fence or wall with a low impact landscape screen located between the wall/fence and the street right-of-way line, or a berm at least three feet in height with a medium impact landscape screen planted on the street side of the berm (no fence/wall required). Further, given that proposed Lots 1, 2, and 3 are currently zoned for commercial uses additional screening will be required along the adjacent properties zoned for residential use. Section 14-503-07 requires a completely opaque six-foot tall fence and additional landscaping to screen commercial uses from residential areas.

Historic and Archeological Sites:

There are no historic or archeological issues with this property.

Recommendations and decisions on preliminary plats must be based on consideration of all the following criteria:

1.      All development engineering must be designed in accordance with City of Independence standards and specifications prior to approval of the final plat.


Draft Planning Commission minutes:

"Case 23-310-03 – Preliminary Plat – Summit Living

Staff Presentation

Joshua Garrett presented the case.  Mr. Garrett presented the Commission with a vicinity map, noting the area and surrounding zoning.  He presented the Commission with an aerial map indicating the project area and explained the surrounding land uses. Mr. Garrett outlined the following conditions:

1.       All development engineering must be designed in accordance with City of Independence standards and specifications prior to approval of the final plat.

In response to Commissioner Nesbitt, Mr. Garrett stated the street would need to be widened by the developer.

Applicant Comments

Joseph O’Loughlin, 3601 S Marshall Dr, said they want to plat the property with a street to use it or sell it so it can be utilized.

In response to Commissioner Nesbitt, Mr. Garrett stated, they can do a street analysis for traffic in that area.


Commissioner Nesbitt made a motion to approve Case 23-310-03 – Preliminary Plat – Summit Living, with conditions as outlined by staffCommissioner H. Wiley seconded the motion.  The motion failed with two affirmative votes."

Department:          Community DevelopmentContact Person:          Tom Scannell

Community Development DepartmentApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved
Finance DepartmentApproved
City Managers OfficeApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

Draft ResolutionResolution
Staff ReportBackup Material
Letter from ApplicantBackup Material
Application PacketBackup Material
Preliminary PlatBackup Material
Storm Drainage PlanBackup Material
Comp Plan MapBackup Material
Zoning MapBackup Material