Item Coversheet
City of Independence
BILL NO. 23-118Ord.No:          19517

Agenda Title:

23-118 2R An ordinance approving a final plat for the Hub Shopping Center, in Independence, Missouri.  

Commissioner Laurie Wiley made a motion to recommend approval of the final plat of Hub Shopping Center with the following conditions:

1. Include a subtitle indicating the existing subdivision and existing lots to be replatted, “A Replat of Esgars Acres, Part of Lots 2, 3 and 4; and Twin Trails, Part of Lot 46;”

2.  Remove Becky K. Behren’s name from the City Clerk’s signature block;

3.  Include address numbers on the plat: Lot 1 will be 16611-16659 E. 23rd Street S., Lot 2 will be 16703 E. 23rd Street S., Lot 3 will be 16665 E. 23rd Street S., Lot 4 will be 16675 E. 23rd Street S. and Lot 5 will be 16685 E. 23rd Street S.;

4.  Provide a cross-access easement for vehicular traffic;

5. Show the MoDOT proposed sidewalk along the south side E 23rd Street S. frontage.


A second to the motion was made by Commissioner Heather Wiley. The City Planning Commission voted as follows:

Commissioner H. Wiley -Yes

Commissioner L. Wiley - Yes

Commissioner Ferguson – Yes

Commissioner McClain – Yes

Commissioner Nesbitt – Yes


The motion passed with a recommendation for approval to be forwarded to the City Council for consideration.  Staff concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission.

Executive Summary:

A request by Daniel Snead for Final Plat approval of, “Hub Shopping Center,” located at 16611 through 16659 and 16675 E. 23rd Street S.


The Hub Shopping Center is an existing strip center with a box store anchor that has been in existence since the 1970’s.  Over the years it has been anchored by Woolco, Walmart, and Price Chopper.  Automotive repair uses sited east of the strip center and attached to the north end of the grocery store have also been present throughout the center’s existence.


The refurbished Hub Shopping Center will continue to have structures 154,045, 4,270 and 13,790-square feet in area.  It is intended to continue to be used as a retail center, with the Price Chopper grocery store as its anchor.  In addition to the site of the existing automotive repair shop in the eastern parking lot, two additional out-lots, one to the north and another to the south, will be created.  The existing automotive facility on the north will be demolished and two new out-lots created later with a Minor Subdivision.


The layout of the existing Hub Shopping Center will have minimal changes.  The major changes will be to the façade materials used, landscaping islands created, and residential buffering added.  This will include a solid wood fence and associated landscaping.   Other changes to the driving and parking surfaces will include the addition of new out-lots with new entrance/exists to be accessed off of Hub Drive and new easements for utility service lines. 


The property is a key property along the commercially dominated Highway M-291 corridor and the node where the highway intersects with 23rd Street.  There are additional strip centers to the east and north.  Numerous other small businesses particularly restaurants and gas station/convenience stores line the corridor nearby as well.  South of the property is a large mini-storage facility.  To the east of the shopping center lies a church property with a large parking lot and green space.


Consistency with Independence for All, Strategic Plan:

The redevelopment project will have a positive impact on this highly visible intersection along the Highway M-291 corridor.

Comprehensive Plan Guiding Land Use Principles:  The site and much of the rest of the Highway M-291 corridor is envisioned for Commercial Uses (as is presently the dominant use).  Portions of the mini-storage property to the south are designated Commercial Uses and Residential Neighborhood Uses.  The single-family neighborhood to the west is envisioned for Residential Neighborhood Uses as well.    Also, a guiding principle in Imagine Independence 2040 plan calls to promote growth, innovation, investment, and opportunity; this development plan aligns with that guiding principle.

Sub-Area Plans:  There are no sub-area plans indicated for this vicinity.

Historic Buildings/Archaeological Sites: The project site is not historically or archaeologically significant.

Public Utilities: All the utilities are already in place in the rights-of-way and easements.  The applicant should minimize service lines that cross the property lines created by the new out-lots.  Specific utility improvements are delineated in the Building Permit.  General utility easements of 5-feet along rights-of-way and 7½-feet along the rear property lines are indicated on the drawing.

Public Improvement:  Show the proposed MoDOT sidewalk in the 23rd Street right-of-way.

Access Drives and Traffic:  The addition of new out-lots will result in additional entrances/exists along Hub Drive.  The north accesses to 23rd Street will remain.  A traffic analysis report for the site will be reviewed with the Final Site Plan. 

Draft Planning Commission minutes:

"Case 23-320-03 – Final Plat – 16611 through 16659 and 16675 E. 23rd Street S

Staff Presentation

Brian Harker presented the case.  Mr. Harker presented the Commission with a vicinity map, noting the area and surrounding zoning.  He presented the Commission with an aerial map indicating the project area and explained the surrounding land uses.

Applicant Comments

Daniel Snead, 808 NE Cedar St, Lees Summit, Mo 64086, said he is the civil engineer for the project.

In response to Commissioner L. Wiley, Mr. Snead stated they are adjusting entrances to make it easier for cars to get in and out. Mr. Snead said they did not adjust any of the entrances that are currently there.

In response to Commissioner Nesbitt, Mr. Harker stated they will take up the ADA sidewalk with the site plan, construction and permits for the parking lot.

In response to Commissioner Nesbitt, Mike Slifka, One E Oak Hill Drive, Westmont, IL 60559 said Price Chopper will be downsizing, leaving additional retail space to bring in new businesses. Mr. Slifka stated it will be done in phases for the work.


Commissioner L. Wiley made a motion to approve Case 23-320-03 – Final Plat – 16611 through 16659 and 16675 E. 23rd Street S,Commissioner H. Wiley seconded the motion.  The motion passed with five affirmative votes."

Department:          Community DevelopmentContact Person:          Tom Scannell

City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

Draft OrdinanceOrdinance
Staff ReportBackup Material
Letter from ApplicantBackup Material
Application PacketBackup Material
Preliminary PlatBackup Material
Final PlatBackup Material
Comp Plan MapBackup Material
Zoning MapBackup Material