Item Coversheet
City of Independence

Agenda Title:

Purchase order 24000977 in the amount of $50,230.00 was issued to Design Mechanical for upgrading three (3) Valent air handling units for the Health & Animal Services Department. 

Staff is providing notification to the City Council of this purchase.
Executive Summary:

The Health & Animal Services department has issued a purchase order to Design Mechanical to upgrade three (3) Valent air handling units at the Regional Animal Shelter.  These units have been non-operational and require these upgrades to function and provide adequate temperature regulation in the building. Because the building is owned by Jackson County, the City has received verification in writing that the County will reimburse the City for this cost.


Design Mechanical has been awarded service due to being the recipient of a cooperative contract (CON-000154) initiated by the University of Kansas Medical Center.

Per section 8.06.004, Paragraph 4 of the City Code states competitive bidding is not required when purchases are made through a cooperative contract established by a government purchasing entity or cooperative. The cooperative bids used will have been established pursuant to RSMo. 70.220 or generally accepted governmental purchasing practices through the competitive bidding process.

Emergency Justification:

The City moved forward with this purchase due to the extremely cold temperatures that our city has experienced over the past month and the expectation that additional cold weather would likely occur again this season without much notice.  Without the use of these three (3) units, it has remained difficult to regulate the temperatures within the shelter.

Fiscal Impact:

The fiscal impact to the City is $50,230 for this fiscal year; however, the City will be reimbursed by the County for the expense.  Costs are in the Health & Animal Services section of the 2023-24 approved budget, on page 105, account 0054705-5211.

Department:          Health and Animal ServicesContact Person:          Christina Heinen

Animal Services DepartmentApproved
City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

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