Item Coversheet
City of Independence
BILL NO. 24-029

Agenda Title:

24-029 1R Council action is requested to issue a purchase order to Hoefer Welker, LLC, in the amount of $3,660,540, authorizing future minor change orders and/or time extensions not to exceed $366,054 for Design and Consulting Services for the Justice Center Project for the Police Department.


Council approval for purchase order.

This project is to hire a consultant to provide Design Services for the Justice Center project. The Procurement Division issued a Request for Qualifications for the Space Needs Assessment and Concept Planning Services for the Justice Center on November 9, 2023, to receive qualified responses for a consulting firm to update the current master plan and spaces needs assessment and to provide concept and site planning services for the Justice Center project. The RFQ closed on December 1, 2023. The RFQ was published through the Public Purchase e-procurement website, which notified (1,830) potential respondents; (81) accessed the RFQ. Responses were provided by (6) firms: Archimages, Inc., Finkle + Williams Architecture, GLMV Architecture, Hoefer Welker, HOK and PGAV. The RFQ requested respondents to only address qualifications. The respondent with the best qualifications proposal would be approved to provide pricing. After reviewing the criteria of the project understanding, project approach, relevant experience, staff experience and qualifications, availability of resources, communications and public relations, and references, the three most qualified firms were requested for in-person interviews to further discuss their qualifications with the selection committee. After interviewing the teams, it was determined Hoefer Welker, LLC provided the best qualifications-based proposal.

Staff along with Project Advocates, LLC, and Hoefer Welker, LLC then negotiated terms for the AIA B133-2019 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect, and a price of $3,660,540 for the space needs assessment and concept and site planning, and full project design and construction administration services. During negotiations it was determined the best value option for the City and project schedule would be to include full project design services at this time, as well as to utilize a design and construction industry standard agreement, the American Institute of Architects B133-2019. Hoefer Welker’s contract reflects a complete and all-in consultant agreement including: the initial space needs assessment and master plan; any renovations to the Independence Utility Center Building that will be required for the Police Department to occupy; complete design services for all new Justice Complex buildings, site and parking; applicable subconsultants for Mechanical, Electrical Plumbing, Fire Protection, Structural, Civil, Low Voltage, and others for a complete set of permittable Construction Documents; LEED Certification, and other scopes as listed in the contract Exhibit B. The cost is within the amount budgeted for this project.

Approval of this item authorizes change orders up to ten (10) percent of the authorized amount, providing appropriations are available.

Fiscal Impact:

Appropriations from the unassigned balance will result in an impact of $4,026,594 from the Use Tax, Fund 018 to the Police CIP Fund 052, account number 0527052-5401, Buildings, Project 522401-C.

Department:          Municipal ServicesContact Person:          Lisa Reynolds

City Clerk DepartmentApproved

Council Action:          Council Action:         

Budget Ordinance for DesignOrdinance
Hoefer Welker 2024 Justice Center RFQ ResponseExhibit
Justice Center Design Services Evaluation RFQ ScoringExhibit