December 4, 2023

6:00 PM, Council Chambers-111 E. Maple Ave.

Agendas are published late in the week for the following week's Council business meetings.  Changes made after the tentative agenda is published will be reflected in the latest version posted.

To view a Council meeting agenda, visit, and select 'Most Recent Council Agenda'.


1. Shirley Murdock, Member, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

2. Pastor Douglas Galvan, Generation Church

23-796 A resolution recognizing Carlos Padilla, System Administrator I, with Independence Technology Services Department as the I-STAR Award Recipient for December 2023.
Reports and Recommendations of the City Manager

Council action is requested to approve the contract change with Brycer – The Compliance Engine to an increase in systems inspection fees from the current rate of $17.00/system to $30.00/system, as a part of the Revenue Share Program.


Council action is requested to expend $426,901.36 with Riverside Technology Incorporated for computer hardware and software purchases for the City Manager, Communications, Community Development, Health, HR, Finance, Fire, Municipal Services, Parks, Power & Light Department, and Technology Services.

Pulled & Moved to December 18 Regular Meeting
3.Council action is requested to issue a purchase order(s) to Advanced Rehabilitation Technology for an amount not to exceed $148,734, authorizing future minor change orders not to exceed $7,436.70 for the installation of Manhole Lining as part of the Trenchless Technology Project (No. 9757).
4.Council action is requested to issue a purchase order for $168,430.25 with Equipment Management Company for multiple extrication rescue equipment for the Fire Department.
5.Council action is requested to issue a purchase order for $146,766.75 with Turn-Key Mobile for Panasonic MDTs for the Police Department.
6.Council action is requested to authorize the City Manager to approve a construction contract with Legacy Underground Construction, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $708,290 authorizing future minor change orders not to exceed $70,829 and/or time extensions for the 2023 Neighborhood Sanitary Sewer Project (No. 302004-1).
7.Council action is requested to expend $218,000.00 in expenditures for fiscal year 2023-2024 to Downey Construction, Inc. for various expenditures for all City Departments. 

Council action is requested to issue a purchase order for $367,500.00 to Solomon Corporation, for Transformers, for the Power & Light Department.

9.Council action is requested to approve a change and extension in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Metropolitan Community College, Blue River Campus and the City of Independence Fire Department.

Council action is requested to issue Change Order #1 to Purchase Order 24000370 to Strategic Government Resources (SGR) in the amount of $32,457.50 to cover additional invoices that have been received.  New revised amount of P.O. will be $81,957.50.

23-797 A resolution dissolving the Independence Economic Development and Incentive Commission.
Res.No:          6973
Public Hearing(s)

1. A public hearing for the application by John Carnes requesting a rezoning from C-2, General Commercial, to I-1, Industrial, for the property located at 420 S. M-291 Highway.  New Information Only.

Held & Closed

A. 23-111 2R An ordinance approving a rezoning from District C-2 (General Commercial) to District I-1 (Industrial) for the property at 420 S. M-291 Highway in Independence, Missouri.  

2. A public hearing for the application by Andachter-Pollard Development requesting a rezoning from R-4, Single Family Residential-Low Density, to R-6, Single Family Residential, for five properties along Old Mill Road.  New Information Only.
Held & Closed

A. 23-112 2R An ordinance approving a rezoning from District R-4 (Single-Family Residential Low Density) to District R-6 (Single-Family Residential) for five properties along Old Mill Road in Independence, Missouri.  

Ord.No:          19505
3. A public hearing for the amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Chapter 14, of the Independence City Code relating to the Historic Conservation Overlay.  Full Public Hearing.
Held & Closed

A. 23-110 2R An ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance, Chapter 14, of the Independence City Code pertaining to conservation, Historic District and Historic Landmark Overlay. (This item addresses item 4.2.G in the 2023-2024 Independence Action Plan).

Ord.No:          19506
23-105 2R An ordinance adopting amendments to the fiscal year 2022-2023 budget, which was approved by Ordinance No. 19340.
Ord.No:          19507
23-106 2R An ordinance authorizing an amendment to the contract with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to provide financial assistance for the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity Enhancing Detection Expansion Grant Program for the period of July 1, 2021, through July 31, 2024; amending the 2023-24 budget, accepting additional funds for the period in the amount of $370,128; authorizing future change orders for additional funding and/or time extensions for the same project; and authorizing certain future appropriations.
Ord.No:          19508
23-107 2R An ordinance amending Section 4.01.003 of the City Code pertaining to dangerous buildings.
Ord.No:          19509
23-108 2R An ordinance amending Article 15 of Chapter 4 Rental Ready Program to be effective January 1, 2024.  
Moved to January 8 Study Session
23-109 2R An ordinance amending Article 1 of Chapter 5 of the City Code, Business and Occupation Licenses to be effective January 1, 2024.
Ord.No:          19510
23-113 2R An ordinance approving a Final Plat for Regency Heights - 11th Plat, in Independence, Missouri.  
Ord.No:          19511
First Reading(s)
23-114 1R An ordinance amending Independence City Code Section 5.01.018 "License Denial, Suspension or Revocation".

23-115 1R An ordinance authorizing the execution of a contract to Black & McDonald, in the amount of $880,886.55, for 24 Highway Improvement Steel Pole Installation and making necessary appropriations.


23-116 1R An ordinance adopting amendments to the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget, which was approved by Ordinance No. 19453.


Contract with Life Scan Wellness Centers for the Mandatory Annual Physicals for all Fire Fighters in the City of Independence for $137,592.00.


Pursuant to Title VI Chapter 67 of Missouri State Statute, a political subdivision is required to publicly disclose at a regular meeting its intent to utilize the Construction Management At-Risk method and its selection criteria at least one week prior to publishing the request for qualifications. 


This information item is intended to satisfy that requirement. 


The selection criteria may include the following: 


1. Project understanding
2. Project approach
3. Relevant experience
4. Staff
5. Availability
6. Communications/Public Relations
7. References
8. Requested modifications to the City's standard contract

3.Please Note:  In accordance with RSMo 610.021, the City Council may convene in an Executive Session during or after the meeting, in the Council Chambers and move to Conference Room D for the closed meeting, on matters of litigation, legal action, and/or attorney client communications, as permitted by Sec. 610.021(1), on matters of personnel, as permitted by Sec. 610.021(3) and personnel records, as permitted by 610.021(13), on matters of contracts, as permitted by 610.021(12), on matters of real estate, as permitted by 610.021(2) and/or matters of labor negotiations, as permitted by 610.021(9).