Planning Commission Agenda

March 14, 2023

6:00 PM, City Hall, 111 E. Maple Ave (Ground Floor), Council Chambers

City Code Chapter 14 and the staff reports are entered into the record.

The Consent Agenda consists of routine items of business to be acted upon by the Planning Commission with little or no public discussion. The staff or committee recommendation for each item is included in the Planning Commission packet. Any item may be removed by a Commissioner or staff member to become part of the regular agenda.
A.Planning Commission Minutes – February 28, 2023
B.Case 23-600-01 – Special Sign Permit – 4354 and 4510 S. Noland Rd. – A request by Noland South Development Company for Special Sign Permit approval.
IV.CASE TO BE CONTINUED - Staff requests the following case be continued to the April 25, 2023 meeting.
A.Case 23-100-01 – Rezoning – 916 and 1004 W. 23rd Street from C-2 and R-12 to C-3 and 910, 920, 922 W. 23rd Street and 1130 S. Cottage Street from C-2 to C-3 - A request by Hilda Ramirez to rezone the properties from C-2 (General Commercial) and/or R-12 (Two-Family Residential) to C-3 (Service Commercial).
A.Case 23-100-07 – Rezoning – 617 N. Hocker Ave - A request by Phil & Lisa Snedeger to rezone the property from I-1 (Industrial) to R-6 (Single Family Residential).
A.Capital Improvements Program
VII.ROUNDTABLE - Next meeting March 28, 2023