May 13, 2024

6:00 PM, Council Chambers - 111 E. Maple Ave.

Agendas are published late in the week for the following week's Council business meetings.  Changes made after the tentative agenda is published will be reflected in the latest version posted.

To view a Council meeting agenda, visit, and select 'Most Recent Council Agenda'.

1.AFS Presentation
2.ISHARE Presentation by Doug Cowan President and CEO of Community Services League
3.2024-2025 Proposed Budget Presentation
4.Housing Study Update
Please Note:  In accordance with RSMo 610.021, the City Council may convene in an Executive Session during or after the meeting, in the Council Chambers and move to Conference Room D for the closed meeting, on matters of litigation, legal action, and/or attorney client communications, as permitted by Sec. 610.021(1), on matters of personnel, as permitted by Sec. 610.021(3) and personnel records, as permitted by 610.021(13), on matters of contracts, as permitted by 610.021(12), on matters of real estate, as permitted by 610.021(2) and/or matters of labor negotiations, as permitted by 610.021(9).