November 1, 2021

6:00 PM, Council Chambers-111 E. Maple Ave. & Microsoft Teams

Agendas are published late in the week for the following week's Council business meetings.  Changes made after the tentative agenda is published will be reflected in the latest version posted.

To view a Council meeting agenda, visit, and select 'Most Recent Council Agenda'.

Ken Truax, Elder, East Independence Church of Christ
Kevin Baird requests to speak to Council regarding IPL's RFP for Replacement Generation (Consent Agenda Item No. 5). 
21-820 - A resolution recognizing Lucas Crowder, Meter Reader, with the Independence Power and Light Department, as the employee of the month for November 2021.
Res.No:          6740
Reports and Recommendations of the City Manager
1.Approval of  minutes for the Regular Meetings on October 4, 2021 and October 18, 2021.

Council action is requested to issue a purchase order to Custom Truck & Equipment, in the amount of $141,964.00 for a dump truck for the Water Department.


Council action is requested to issue a purchase order to Precision Industries for a 110' Ladder Truck for the Fire Department.

4.Council action is requested to authorize the City Manager to approve a construction contract with Vance Brothers, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $74,932.56 authorizing future minor change orders not to exceed $7,500 and/or time extensions for the Pavement Maintenance Crack Filling Operations Project. (No. 112201).
5.Council action is requested to issue a change order to Purchase Order 21000943 with Power Engineers, in the amount of $50,000, for assistance in the evaluation of the Replacement Generation Resources RFP for the Power & Light Department.
6.Council approval is requested to issue a change order increase on contract #500000520 with contractor Wiedenmann, Inc in the amount of $178,600 in order to complete additional jobs in the 2021 Emergency Repair Project (No. 131802).
7.Council action is requested to issue a purchase order to Insituform Technologies, USA, LLC in the amount of $380,322.55 for CIPP Sanitary Sewer pipe repairs (Project No. 9757) and Stormwater pipe repairs  (Project No. 130508), Authorization #75, and authorizing $38,000 for future change orders.
21-821 - A resolution reappointing Lori Halsey, Dr. Terry Morris and Jason White to the Independence Advisory Board of Health of the City of Independence, Missouri.
Res.No:          6741
21-822 - A resolution reappointing Katie Gall to the Mayor’s Advisory Commission on the Arts.-Individual Appointment-Mayor Eileen Weir
Res.No:          6742
21-823 - A resolution affirming the appointment of Tara Kruse to the Public Safety Tax Oversight Committee for the City of Independence, Missouri.-Individual Appointment-Councilmember Mike Steinmeyer
Res.No:          6743
21-824 - A resolution appointing Lynn Baker, Bobby McCutcheon and Mike Calvert to the Tourism Commission of the City of Independence, Missouri.
Res.No:          6744
21-825- A resolution approving a preliminary plat of Noland Fashion Square, at 13920 E. US 40 Highway in Independence, Missouri.
Res.No:          6745
Public Hearing(s)
1.  A public hearing for the amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Chapter 14, of the Independence City Code relating to recommended trees and plants.  Full Public Hearing.
Held and Closed
  1. 21-072 - 2R.  An ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance, Chapter 14, of the Independence City Code pertaining to recommended trees and plants.
Ord.No:          19267
2.  A public hearing for the application by Julio Palomino requesting a Special Use Permit to operate a used vehicle sales business at 908 N Atherton.  New Information Only.
Held and Closed
  1. 21-073 - 2R.  An ordinance approving a Special Use Permit to operate a vehicle sales lot at 908 N. Atherton Road, in Independence, Missouri.
Ord.No:          19268
3.  A public hearing for the formation of the Chapter 353 Redevelopment Plan for the Cargo Largo Project located at the northwest corner of 35th Street and Noland Road. Full Public Hearing.
Held and Closed
Non-Ordinance Action Items
1.City Council action is requested directing the City Manager to proceed with all work necessary to provide a "Fire Line" to the Englewood Arts building. 
Postponed to 11/15
21-070 - 2R.  An Ordinance authorizing a contract with Linaweaver Construction, Inc. for the installation of an 8-inch diameter ductile iron water main for the Gudgell Avenue (Dodgion – Kings Highway) water main replacement capital improvement project for an amount not to exceed $1,165,500.00; authorizing minor change orders for an amount not to exceed $116,550.00 and/or time extensions; and increasing appropriations.
Ord.No:          19269
21-071 - 2R.  An ordinance authorizing a contract with Truman Heritage Habitat for Humanity for the administration of Home Repair Program for low to moderate income homeowners utilizing 2021-22 CDBG Program Funds in an amount not to exceed $371,514.00.
Ord.No:          19270
First Reading(s)
21-074 - 1R.  An ordinance authorizing execution of a cooperative agreement for payment of funds from City of Kansas City, Missouri to City of Independence, Missouri for the purpose of construction of the North Kentucky Avenue Bridge Over Rock Creek Improvement Project.
21-075 - 1R.  An ordinance approving a rezoning from District C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) to District C-2 (General Commercial) for 16912 and 16914 E. 23rd Street S. and 2221 S. M-291 Highway in Independence, Missouri.
21-076 - 1R.  An ordinance approving a rezoning from District C-2 (General Commercial) to District R-6 (Single-Family Residential) for 1207 S. Main Street in Independence, Missouri.
21-077 - 1R.  An ordinance approving the Chapter 353 Redevelopment Plan for the Cargo Largo Project, declaring the area described in the Redevelopment Plan to be a blighted area, taking other actions to implement the Redevelopment Plan, and approving a Redevelopment Agreement.
21-078 - 1R.  An ordinance approving a Development Agreement between D & J Realty Holdings LLC and the City of Independence, Missouri.
21-079 - 1R.  An ordinance limiting the depth of two existing easements on the property, Lot 2, in Winterstone Underground First Plat, a subdivision in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri.
21-080 - 1R.  An ordinance creating Section 12.06.008 of the Independence City Code for the prohibition of Conversion Therapy of minors.

21-514 - 1R.  An ordinance adopting amendments to the Fiscal Year 2021- 2022 budget, which was approved by Ordinance No. 19228.-Appropriation ordinances may receive two readings and be voted on at the same meeting.

Ord.No:          19271
1.The City Council is expected to convene in an Executive Session at 5:15 pm, Monday, November 1, 2021, in the Council Chambers with the closed session taking place in Conference Room D, on Personnel Matters, as permitted by Sec. 610.021(3), RSMO.
Handouts Provided to Council during the Meeting.
3.The City Clerk's Office is in receipt of the Noland Fashion Square Community Improvement District Annual Report ending June 30, 2021.
4.The City Clerk's Office is in receipt of the Trinity Woods Community Improvement District Annual Report ending June 30, 2021.
5.COVID-19 Semi-Monthly Update
6.Please Note:  In accordance with RSMo 610.021, the City Council may convene in an Executive Session at 5:15 pm, in the Council Chambers and move to Conference Room D for the closed meeting, on matters of litigation, legal action, and/or attorney client communications, as permitted by Sec. 610.021(1), on matters of personnel, as permitted by Sec. 610.021(3) and personnel records, as permitted by 610.021(13), on matters of contracts, as permitted by 610.021(12), on matters of real estate, as permitted by 610.021(2) and/or matters of labor negotiations, as permitted by 610.021(9).

"Independence for All"