Planning Commission Agenda

September 27, 2022

6:00 AM, City Hall, 111 E. Maple Ave (Ground Floor), Council Chambers

City Code Chapter 14 and the staff reports are entered into the record.

The Consent Agenda consists of routine items of business to be acted upon by the Planning Commission with little or no public discussion. The staff or committee recommendation for each item is included in the Planning Commission packet. Any item may be removed by a Commissioner or staff member to become part of the regular agenda.
A.Planning Commission Minutes – September 13, 2022
B.Case 22-320-01 – Final Plat – New Town at Harmony – 4th Plat – A request by New Town at Harmony for a final plat at the southeast of Minton Rd & Harmony Avenue
C.Case 22-320-02 – Final Plat – New Town at Harmony – 3rd Plat – A request by New Town at Harmony for a final plat at the northwest corner of Truman Rd & Fisher Rd
A.Case 22-200-10– Special Use Permit – 910 E. Manor Road - A request by Beth Hoberg for a Special Use Permit to operate a bed and breakfast.
B.Case 22-400-08 – Short-Term Rental – 10408 E. 36th Street S. - A request by Grant Foster for a Short-Term Rental.
C.Case 22-400-09 – Short-Term Rental – 1430 S. Maywood Avenue - A request by April Preston for a Short-Term Rental.
V.ROUNDTABLE - Next meeting October 11, 2022